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10 Effective Sales Commission Structures

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on 10 effective sales commission structures. In this article, we will explore various commission structures that can help drive sales performance and motivate your sales team. Each structure has its own unique features and benefits, so let's dive in and discover which one suits your business needs best.

1. Straight Commission

Straight commission is a widely used commission structure where sales representatives earn a percentage of the total sales they generate. This structure is straightforward and provides a strong incentive for salespeople to maximize their sales efforts.

Structure Overview

In a straight commission structure, sales representatives receive a predetermined percentage of the sales revenue they generate. The commission rate can vary based on factors such as the product or service being sold, the salesperson's experience, or the company's goals.

Typically, there is no base salary in a straight commission structure, and sales representatives rely solely on their ability to close deals to earn income.

Key Features and Benefits

One of the key features of a straight commission structure is that it aligns the interests of the salesperson with the company's goals. Sales representatives are motivated to sell more to earn higher commissions, which can lead to increased revenue for the company.

This structure also allows for flexibility in compensation, as the commission rate can be adjusted based on performance or other factors. Additionally, it can attract highly motivated individuals who thrive in a performance-driven environment.


The formula for calculating commission in a straight commission structure is:

Commission = Total Sales * Commission Rate

Example Scenario

Let's say a sales representative has a straight commission rate of 5% and generates $100,000 in sales. Their commission would be:

Commission = $100,000 * 0.05 = $5,000

2. Tiered Commission

Tiered commission structures offer increasing commission rates as sales representatives achieve higher sales targets. This structure provides additional motivation for salespeople to exceed their goals and earn higher commissions.

Structure Overview

In a tiered commission structure, sales representatives earn different commission rates based on predefined sales thresholds or tiers. As they reach higher tiers, their commission rate increases, providing an incentive to push for higher sales volumes.

For example, the first tier may have a lower commission rate, while subsequent tiers offer higher rates. This structure encourages sales representatives to strive for higher sales targets to maximize their earnings.

Key Features and Benefits

Tiered commission structures provide a clear progression path for sales representatives. As they achieve higher sales targets, they are rewarded with higher commission rates, which can boost motivation and drive performance.

This structure also allows companies to incentivize specific sales goals or focus on particular products or services. By setting different commission rates for different tiers, companies can encourage sales representatives to prioritize certain sales objectives.


The formula for calculating commission in a tiered commission structure can vary based on the specific tiers and commission rates set by the company. Here's a general example:

Commission = (Total Sales * Commission Rate) + Bonus

Example Scenario

Let's consider a tiered commission structure with three tiers:

  • Tier 1: Sales up to $50,000 with a 5% commission rate
  • Tier 2: Sales between $50,001 and $100,000 with a 7% commission rate
  • Tier 3: Sales above $100,000 with a 10% commission rate

If a sales representative generates $120,000 in sales, their commission would be:

Commission = ($50,000 * 0.05) + (($120,000 - $50,000) * 0.07) = $3,500 + $4,900 = $8,400

3. Residual Commission

Residual commission structures provide ongoing commission payments for sales representatives based on recurring sales or customer renewals. This structure rewards salespeople for building long-term relationships and securing repeat business.

Structure Overview

In a residual commission structure, sales representatives earn a percentage of the recurring revenue generated from their sales. This can include commissions from subscription-based services, maintenance contracts, or customer renewals.

Unlike other commission structures that focus on one-time sales, residual commission structures provide a continuous stream of income for sales representatives as long as the customers they brought in continue to generate revenue.

Key Features and Benefits

Residual commission structures incentivize sales representatives to focus on building strong customer relationships and ensuring customer satisfaction. By earning ongoing commissions, salespeople are motivated to provide excellent service and maintain customer loyalty.

This structure also provides stability and predictability in income for sales representatives, as they can rely on recurring commissions even during periods with fewer new sales. It can also foster long-term sales strategies and encourage salespeople to invest in nurturing customer relationships.


The formula for calculating residual commission can vary based on the specific terms and conditions set by the company. Here's a general example:

Commission = Recurring Revenue * Commission Rate

Example Scenario

Let's say a sales representative earns a 10% commission on recurring revenue and has brought in customers with a total recurring revenue of $10,000 per month. Their commission would be:

Commission = $10,000 * 0.10 = $1,000 per month

4. Profit-Based Commission

Profit-based commission structures tie sales representatives' commissions to the profitability of the sales they generate. This structure aligns the interests of the sales team with the company's financial goals.

Structure Overview

In a profit-based commission structure, sales representatives earn a percentage of the profit generated from their sales, rather than the total sales revenue. This structure takes into account the costs associated with the sale and ensures that sales representatives are incentivized to pursue profitable deals.

The profit can be calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) and any other associated expenses from the sales revenue.

Key Features and Benefits

Profit-based commission structures encourage sales representatives to focus on selling high-margin products or services and negotiate favorable terms with customers. By tying commissions to profitability, companies can ensure that sales efforts contribute to the overall financial health of the business.

This structure can also foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among sales representatives, as they are directly linked to the company's profitability. It encourages them to consider the financial implications of their sales decisions and prioritize deals that maximize profit.


The formula for calculating profit-based commission can vary based on the specific profit margin and commission rate set by the company. Here's a general example:

Commission = (Sales Revenue - COGS - Expenses) * Commission Rate

Example Scenario

Let's assume a sales representative has generated $50,000 in sales revenue, and the associated COGS and expenses amount to $30,000. The profit margin is 40%, and the commission rate is 10%. The commission would be:

Commission = ($50,000 - $30,000) * 0.40 * 0.10 = $2,000

5. Territory-Based Commission

Territory-based commission structures allocate specific sales territories to sales representatives and reward them based on the performance within their assigned territories. This structure ensures fair distribution of sales opportunities and encourages salespeople to focus on their designated areas.

Structure Overview

In a territory-based commission structure, sales representatives are assigned specific geographic regions or customer segments to target. They are responsible for generating sales within their assigned territories, and their commission is based on the performance within those areas.

This structure allows companies to divide their market into manageable territories and ensure that sales efforts are evenly distributed. It also enables sales representatives to develop in-depth knowledge of their territories and build strong relationships with customers in those areas.

Key Features and Benefits

Territory-based commission structures promote fairness and equal opportunity among sales representatives. Each salesperson has a designated territory, eliminating potential conflicts or competition over leads and customers.

This structure also encourages sales representatives to become experts in their territories, as they have a vested interest in maximizing sales within their assigned areas. It can lead to better customer relationships, increased customer loyalty, and improved market penetration.


The formula for calculating territory-based commission can vary based on the specific terms and conditions set by the company. Here's a general example:

Commission = Territory Sales * Commission Rate

Example Scenario

Let's say a sales representative is assigned to a territory with $200,000 in sales, and the commission rate is 7%. Their commission would be:

Commission = $200,000 * 0.07 = $14,000

6. Performance-Based Commission

Performance-based commission structures reward sales representatives based on their individual performance metrics, such as meeting or exceeding sales targets, achieving specific KPIs, or surpassing performance benchmarks. This structure motivates salespeople to strive for excellence and continuously improve their performance.

Structure Overview

In a performance-based commission structure, sales representatives earn commissions based on their individual performance metrics. These metrics can include sales targets, revenue growth, customer acquisition, customer retention, or any other key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to the company's goals.

Companies can set specific performance benchmarks and corresponding commission rates to incentivize sales representatives to achieve or exceed those targets. This structure encourages a culture of continuous improvement and rewards top performers.

Key Features and Benefits

Performance-based commission structures provide clear goals and expectations for sales representatives. By aligning commissions with performance metrics, companies can motivate salespeople to focus on specific objectives and drive results.

This structure also fosters healthy competition among sales representatives, as they strive to outperform their peers and earn higher commissions. It can lead to increased productivity, improved sales performance, and a more engaged and motivated sales team.


The formula for calculating performance-based commission can vary based on the specific performance metrics and commission rates set by the company. Here's a general example:

Commission = Performance Metric * Commission Rate

Example Scenario

Let's assume a sales representative has achieved 120% of their sales target, and the commission rate for exceeding the target is 15%. If the target was $100,000, their commission would be:

Commission = $100,000 * 1.20 * 0.15 = $18,000

7. Team-Based Commission

Team-based commission structures reward sales teams collectively based on their overall performance. This structure promotes collaboration, teamwork, and a shared sense of responsibility for achieving sales goals.

Structure Overview

In a team-based commission structure, sales teams are rewarded based on the collective performance of the team. The commission is typically calculated based on the total sales or revenue generated by the team as a whole.

This structure encourages collaboration and cooperation among team members, as their individual efforts contribute to the team's success. It fosters a sense of camaraderie and shared responsibility for achieving sales targets.

Key Features and Benefits

Team-based commission structures promote teamwork and collaboration within sales teams. By rewarding the collective performance, companies can encourage knowledge sharing, peer support, and a culture of helping each other succeed.

This structure also reduces the risk of internal competition and encourages sales representatives to work together towards a common goal. It can lead to improved team dynamics, increased morale, and higher overall sales performance.


The formula for calculating team-based commission can vary based on the specific terms and conditions set by the company. Here's a general example:

Commission = Team Sales * Commission Rate

Example Scenario

Let's say a sales team generates $500,000 in sales, and the team-based commission rate is 2%. Their commission would be:

Commission = $500,000 * 0.02 = $10,000

8. Accelerator Commission

Accelerator commission structures offer increasing commission rates as sales representatives exceed predefined sales targets or quotas. This structure provides additional incentives for salespeople to push beyond their initial goals and achieve exceptional results.

Structure Overview

In an accelerator commission structure, sales representatives earn higher commission rates as they surpass specific sales targets or quotas. The commission rate increases progressively as they achieve higher levels of sales performance.

This structure is designed to reward exceptional performance and motivate sales representatives to go above and beyond their initial goals. It provides an extra incentive for salespeople to strive for higher sales volumes and achieve outstanding results.

Key Features and Benefits

Accelerator commission structures encourage sales representatives to continuously push their limits and aim for exceptional performance. By offering higher commission rates for surpassing targets, companies can motivate salespeople to achieve outstanding results.

This structure also provides a clear incentive for sales representatives to exceed their initial goals and strive for continuous improvement. It can lead to increased productivity, higher sales performance, and a more motivated and engaged sales team.


The formula for calculating accelerator commission can vary based on the specific sales targets and commission rates set by the company. Here's a general example:

Commission = (Total Sales * Commission Rate) + Bonus

Example Scenario

Let's consider an accelerator commission structure with two tiers:

  • Tier 1: Sales up to $100,000 with a 5% commission rate
  • Tier 2: Sales above $100,000 with a 7% commission rate

If a sales representative generates $150,000 in sales, their commission would be:

Commission = ($100,000 * 0.05) + (($150,000 - $100,000) * 0.07) = $5,000 + $3,500 = $8,500

9. Draw Against Commission

Draw against commission structures provide sales representatives with a regular base salary or draw, which is deducted from future commissions. This structure ensures a consistent income for salespeople while still incentivizing them to earn higher commissions.

Structure Overview

In a draw against commission structure, sales representatives receive a regular base salary or draw, which is paid regardless of their sales performance. This base salary is deducted from future commissions earned by the salesperson.

If the sales representative's commissions exceed the base salary, they receive the excess as additional income. However, if their commissions fall short of the base salary, they may need to repay the deficit in future periods.

Key Features and Benefits

Draw against commission structures provide stability and predictability in income for sales representatives. The base salary ensures that salespeople have a consistent income to cover their living expenses, even during periods with lower sales.

This structure also motivates sales representatives to strive for higher commissions, as they have the opportunity to earn additional income beyond the base salary. It encourages salespeople to focus on maximizing their sales efforts and achieving higher results.


The formula for calculating draw against commission can vary based on the specific terms and conditions set by the company. Here's a general example:

Commission = (Total Sales * Commission Rate) - Draw

Example Scenario

Let's assume a sales representative has a draw of $3,000 per month and generates $5,000 in commissions. Their commission would be:

Commission = $5,000 - $3,000 = $2,000

10. Combination Commission

Combination commission structures combine multiple commission elements to create a customized commission plan that suits the specific needs of the company and sales team. This structure allows for flexibility and tailoring to maximize motivation and performance.

Structure Overview

In a combination commission structure, companies can combine different commission elements, such as straight commission, tiered commission, residual commission, or any other structure, to create a customized plan. The specific combination of elements can be tailored to align with the company's goals and sales team dynamics.

This structure allows companies to leverage the benefits of multiple commission structures and create a unique plan that motivates sales representatives and drives desired sales outcomes.

Key Features and Benefits

Combination commission structures provide flexibility and customization options for companies. By combining different elements, companies can create a commission plan that aligns with their specific business needs, sales objectives, and sales team dynamics.

This structure also allows companies to incentivize different sales behaviors or focus on specific goals simultaneously. It provides a comprehensive approach to commission planning and can lead to improved motivation, performance, and overall sales results.


The formula for calculating combination commission can vary based on the specific combination of commission elements and the terms and conditions set by the company. Here's a general example:

Commission = (Element 1 + Element 2 + ... + Element n)

Example Scenario

Let's consider a combination commission structure that combines a tiered commission and a residual commission. The tiered commission has three tiers, and the residual commission is 5% of recurring revenue. If a sales representative generates $150,000 in sales and brings in customers with $10,000 in recurring revenue, their commission would be:

Commission = (($50,000 * 0.05) + (($150,000 - $50,000) * 0.07)) + ($10,000 * 0.05) = $3,500 + $7,000 + $500 = $11,000

That concludes our exploration of 10 effective sales commission structures. Each structure offers unique features and benefits, allowing companies to tailor their commission plans to drive sales performance and motivate their sales teams. Consider the specific needs and goals of your business when choosing the most suitable commission structure, and remember to regularly review and adjust your plan to ensure its effectiveness.

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